Response on Coronivirus (CoVID-19) Health & Safety To our valued students, guests, community, & friends:

There is nothing more important to our entire Kelley Education Family than the safety of our students, guests, & our employees. 

We have instituted a plan based upon guidance from our accreditor (NACCAS); the Illinois Department of Financial & Professional Regulation, Arkansas Department of Health; & US Department of Education; our national school association; our state school associations; & local & state governments.

Due to the emerging information on the spread of COVID-19 the school is immediately instituting the following temporary policies. The purpose of the policies is to keep everyone in our school community as healthy as possible while also reducing the impact on students’ education and employees’ work.   These temporary policies may change & will be updated regularly as new information becomes available. 

  1. Every case will be handled uniquely as each situation will have different factors.
  2. We will not allow discrimination or harassment. 
  3. We want to stress that you follow our protocols for sanitation!  We’re sure you realize the importance of your sanitation & sterilization classes.   We want to stress the importance of disinfecting frequently exposed surfaces during every hour of operation. 
  4. Students, teachers and staff who travel to areas of the country with States of Emergency, are on cruises or using mass transit such as planes, trains must be cleared before returning to school. This may involve either up to a 14-day waiting period of remaining asymptomatic or being cleared by a negative test result.
  5. For the week of Tuesday, 17 March through Tuesday, 31 March we will suspend outside client guests.  Please re-schedule appointments beginning Wednesday, 1 April.
  6. Please let us know if you have been in contact with a COVID-19 carrier.  We recommend that you self-quarantine for the recommended period of time & get tested!   IL students, please notify us by emailing us at admissions@uofac.edu & AR students, please notify us by emailing us at admissions@pcec.edu  
  7. Parents of children who are affected by school closures may request an Excused Absence during the time of that child’s school closure.
  8. Students who are required to suspend attendance at the school after potential exposure may request an Excused Absence during their observation period.
  9. In the event the state requires the schools to close, the school will make best efforts to find alternative means of delivering education online. 
  10. The school will be observing all members for wellness and fever each day. If a student is sent home due to an elevated temperature, the student will be given an excused absence for the day. If the symptoms persist for more than one day, the Director of Schools or Campus Manager may require the student to suspend attendance until cleared by a physician.
  11. If a member of the school community is diagnosed with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, the school will notify all school members through the text alert system. Please make sure are signed up for the Text Alert system to ensure you receive the notification.
  12. The school may have to suspend classes on short notice if new information becomes available.  An announcement will then be made by the text alert system.

 We will continue to provide updates via the text alert system; on our website; announcements; & postings on bulletin boards.  Check in on your neighbors, visit local businesses, &, most of all, please be kind to one another.  Thank you for your support!