== Changelog == Version: 3.6.6 (27 July 2024) Added: Support for `is_dynamic_content()` Improved: Accessibility, performance, and security best practices Version: 3.6.5 (14 July 2024) Added: Support for vimeo videos in video gallery widget Fixed: Short URL not working in video gallery widget Fixed : Image morphing widget import issue Fixed: Refactor pagination code in blog posts widget Version: 3.6.4 (04 July 2024) Fixed: Minor bugs & improvements Version: 3.6.3 (09 June 2024) Added: Pause on mouse hover in advanced slider widget Improved: Table and motion text widget sanitization Version: 3.6.2 (20 May 2024) Improved: Wrapper link module URL sanitization Improved: Table widget external link data sanitization Version: 3.6.1 (15 April 2024) Added: Interactive links widget Fixed: Minor bug & improvements Improved: Several widget sanitization Version: 3.6.0 (31 March 2024) Added: Protected content widget Added: Mouse cursor margin control Added: Breakpoints in sticky module Fixed: Facebook review widget showing error with TranslatePress plugin Fixed: Zoom JWT deprecation Version: 3.5.0 (27 November 2023) Added: Mouse cursor module Added: Glass morphism module Added: Table widget search icon control Added: Chart widget legend click option Fixed: Price menu widget card list link issue Fixed: Facebook page video play issue Fixed: Blog posts load more issues Version: 3.4.1 (14 November 2023) Fixed: Google sheet token expire issue Fixed: Table responsive not working properly Improved: Access control security Version: 3.4.0 (29 October 2023) Added: Comparison table widget Added: Wrapper link Module Fixed: Volume display handling for touch devices Fixed: Price menu widget anchor tag issue Fixed: Facebook feed responsive issues Fixed: Facebook page review widget ID token vaildation check Fixed: Blog posts masonry issue Fixed: Advanced slider thumbs issue Fixed: Blog posts widgets load more Improved: Vertical menu dropdown arrow changes option Version: 3.3.0 (21 Jun 2023) Fixed: Popup modal widget editor loading Fixed: Advanced tab hash change undefined Fixed: HTML is not working in advanced tab widget Fixed: WhatsApp widget responsive issues Fixed: Google SDK deprecated issues for PHP 8.0 and above Fixed: Particles module console error occurs on non-Elementor pages Fixed: Compatibility issue with slick slider Fixed: Accordion not working inside advanced toggle widget Fixed: Dribbble widget spelling issues Improved: Flip box widget firefox browser compatibility Improved: Coupon Code Widget controls Improved: Optimize review, price menu, team, video gallery sliders Version: 3.2.1 (05 Apr 2023) Fixed: Swiper v8.45 compatibility Fixed: Advanced Tab Widget Enable URL Hash Issue Fixed: Pause on Hover option doesn't work on the Video Gallery widget Carousel Fixed: Stylish List description escaping issue Fixed: Social profile URL on the popup of the Team Carousel Slider widget issue. Fixed: Yelp Review feed issue Improved: Advanced Slider Widget Js Optimize and New Controls Added like Thumbnail Scale, Loop Option, Speed. Improved: Fancy Animated Text Support with an Advanced Slider widget Version: 3.2.0 (28 Feb 2023) Added: Content Ticker widget Added: Coupon Code Widget Added: Particles Module Added: New styles and features in Whatsapp Widget Added: Icons for Dribble, Pinterest and Behance Feed Widgets Fixed: Parallax Module support with Flex Container Fixed: Maximum project per page is fixed at Dribble Feed Widget Fixed: Breakpoints issue fixed for Advanced Slider Widget Fixed: Parallax Module On Mouse Move effect for widget support with Container. Fixed: Compatibility issues with Eduma theme Improved: Accessibility for widgets and modules Version: 3.1.0 (16 Jan 2023) Added: Audio Player Widget Added: Flip Box Widget Added: Image Morphing Widget Added: Flex container support Added: Carousel Slider controls to Blog Post Widget Added: Ten new swap styles to Image Swap Widget Fixed: Gallery Widget PHP warning issue Fixed: Box-shadow arrow issue in Advanced Tooltip Module Fixed: Swiper slider initial loading breaks columns Fixed: Link getting duplicate for socials in Team Carousel Slider Improved: Team Carousel Slider controls Improved: Optimize JS for Behance Feed Widget Improved: Widgets searching keywords for editor panel Improved: Breadcrumb Widget styles and controls Tweaked: Disable glare effect in Parallax Module Version: 3.0.0 (12 Dec 2022) Added: Stylish List widget Added: Team Carousel Slider widget Added: Widgets Documentation URL Fixed: Fancy Animated Text animation issues Fixed: Board name more than one word doesn't fetch in Pinterest Feed widget Fixed: Price Menu widget link doesn't work properly Fixed: Button link not working properly in Image hover effect Fixed: Arrow position in Video Gallery Fixed: Flickering issue for Advanced tab content Fixed: Advanced widgets issue with Table widget Fixed: Testimonials slider not working inside advanced tab of OceanWP theme Fixed: Fancy Animated Text Widget Text crop & Cursor gap issue Fixed: Advanced tab widget vertical height issues Fixed: Responsive issues in Video Gallery widget Fixed: Firebase JWT conflict issue Improved: Parallax module js Improved: Vertical alignment in Advanced Tab widget Improved: Fancy Animated Text Widget Visibility Improved: Fancy Animated Text Widget Bar Loading Animation Improved: Fancy Animated Text Widget SVG Shape left, Right Moved Improved: Advanced Slider widget Progress-bar System & Slider Content Animation Improved: Advanced Slider widget Slides Per View & Wrapper Padding Improved: Filter spacing Control in Video Gallery widget Tweaked: Image Overlay control in Blog Post widget Tweaked: Advanced Slider widget Vertical & Image Thumbs Version: 2.8.0 (02 Oct 2022) Added: Price Menu widget Added: Fancy Animated Text Widget Added: Image Masking Module Added: Dynamic content support for Elementor pro Added: Image hover effect widget WPML compatibility Fixed: Elementor reset style issue with Elementskit Conditions module Fixed: Swiper slider is not working and updating inside an advanced tab Fixed: Ajax mega menu load issue with vertical menu Tweaked: Image Hover Effect widget Version: 2.7.0 (24 Aug 2022) Added: Image Hover Effect widget Added: Option for disable CSS3 animation for responsiveness Added: Horizontal bottom position for Timeline widget Fixed: Woo Product List widget's query issue Fixed: Timeline widget pinpoint icon border-radius control disappear issue Fixed: Fatal error with google client vendor Fixed: Animation and css issues in Timeline widget Version: 2.6.10 (17 Jul 2022) Added: Facebook Feed widget's demo in Template library Added: Style for Breadcrumb widget Added: Text field in Woo Mini Cart widget Fixed: Code Optimized. Fixed: Vendor conflict issue Fixed: Advanced Tooltip background not changed when upload image Fixed: Conflict css issue with twenty twenty one theme Fixed: Pinterest share is not working in Facebook Feed widget Fixed: Advanced tab issue for OceanWP Theme Fixed: Woo Mini Cart css issue for OceanWP theme Fixed: Timeline widget's title, subtitle and anchor color not changing Tweaked: Table Widget css issue in OceanWP Theme Version: 2.6.9 (26 Jun 2022) Fixed: Code Optimized. Version: 2.6.8 (24 May 2022) Fixed: CSS bug fix. Version: 2.6.7 (27th April 2022) Added: Compatibility with PHP 8.0. Tweaked: JS, PHP & CSS. Version: 2.6.6 (25th April 2022) Fixed: Advance Tab widget issue. Fixed: Advance Accordion widget issue. Fixed: Advance Toggle widget issue. Fixed: Advance Slider widget issue. Version: 2.6.5 (18th April 2022) Addded: Whatsapp Widget. Fixed: Creative Button icon position. Fixed: Advanced tab content issue. Fixed: Advanced Accordion content issue. Fixed: Advanced Toggle content issue. Version: 2.6.4 (24th March 2022) Added: Subcontinent and Image in Advanced Tooltip widget. Improved: Added Advance tooltip subtitle, image, and many controls. Fixed: Body alignment issue in Table widget. Fixed: HTML content issue in Advanced Tooltip widget. Fixed: Instagram widget caption and others issues Fixed: Elementor 3.6.1 conflicts for deprecation. Fixed: Elementor responsive control devices compatibility issue Fixed: Tweak border radius issue of advance tooltip widget Fixed: Advanced tab issue ( specially with OceanWP theme ) Version: 2.6.3 (15th February 2022) Improved: Parallax doesn't work on tablets & mobile devices. Fixed: Table widget issue ( Editor output style not work & HTML print with image). Fixed: Video widget issue. Fixed: Conditional content module has a conflict with the Russian language. Version: 2.6.2 (30th January 2022) Added: Integrate google sheet inside table widget. Added: WYSIWYG control for table body text. Fixed: Table widget fopen function warning. Fixed: Table widget image issue. Version: 2.6.1 (22th January 2022). Fixed: Icon missing & replaced fontAwesome icon with elementor icon. Fixed: Advanced Tab issue with OceanWP theme. Tweaked: CSS and JS improved. Version: 2.6.0 (9th January 2022). Added: Ajax Loading support for Advanced Tab Widget. Improved: Improved data attribute. Improved: Update paralax library version(Jaralax). Improved: Mini cart & ajax loading support for Advanced Tab. Fixed: HTML tag does not work into table widget cell text. Fixed: PHP notice and warning when username is not exist in pinterest feed. Fixed: Limiting instagram feeds causes shrinking of columns in instagram feed. Version: 2.5.0 (20th December 2021) New: Hover option added for Vertical Menu Widget. New: Russian language for translation. Fix: Sticky Offset support for Smooth Scrolling. Fix: Background Image rendering issue for Parallax Module. Fix: Table widget missing controls. Fix: Instagram Feed Fatal Error. Removed: Comment and like count from instagram feed widget. Version: 2.4.1 (2nd December 2021) Fix: Script defer loading issue for Copy-Paste Module. Tweak: CSS and JS improved Version: 2.4.0 (25th November, 2021) Improved: Bundled Modules js for avoiding multiple request to increase the performance. Tweak: CSS and JS improved Version: 2.3.7 (7th November, 2021) Fix: Woo Product Carousel issue. Fix: Advanced tab nested issue fixed. Fix: fixed grid compatibility issue. Tweak: CSS and JS improved Version: 2.3.6 (26th September, 2021) Fix: Woo Category widget grid issue with Astra theme Fix: Woo Product List widget grid issue with Astra theme Fix: Hover behavior issue for Woo Mini Cart Widget. Fix: Responsive support for Chart Widget with large data. Fix: Horizontal style content alignment for Timeline Widget. Version: 2.3.5 (19 August, 2021) Fix: JS conflict when first load for Parallax Module. Fix: Responsive controls issue for Woo Category List Widget. Fix: Removed deprecated Elementor PHP Methods from Widgets. Version: 2.3.4 (2 August, 2021) Fix: Advanced Accordion and Advanced Tab widgets conflict with OceanWP theme. Fix: Advanced Toggle widget Indicator Global color issues. Fix: Unfold widget title alignment issue. Fix: Timeline widget content alignment issue. Version: 2.3.3 (15 July, 2021) Fix: Swiper Slider conflict issues fixed with other theme. Version: 2.3.2 (15 July, 2021) Tweak: Removed loop from carousel related widgets. Version: 2.3.1 (13 July, 2021) Fix: Multiple placeholder image upload issues when importing widget. Fix: Background color delay loading issues fixed on Table widget. Tweak: Improved W3validation. Tweak: TweenMax JS Library updated to the latest version. Tweek: Converted widgets slideshow from slick to swiper. Tweak: Optimized Images. Version: 2.3.0 (8 June, 2021) New: Refined Layout Manager with Tabs, Categories and Search filters. New: Modern and Creative Template Kits, Pages and Section Ready Templates. Tweak: Manual cache clear button for Dribbble Feed widget. Tweak: Getting access token made easy for Dribbble Feed widget. Tweak: Bring unfold widget into viewport while closing the content. Fix: Mobile scrolling issues for Hotspot Widget. Fix: Undefined variables for Twitter Feed Widget. Fix: Limit for Facebook Feed API. Fix: Reaction Icons for Facebook Feed. Fix: Minor spelling issue. Version: 2.2.3 (10 May, 2021) New: Hover Trigger on Advanced Tab Widget. Tweak: Improvements for the Instagram API. Tweak: Improvements for the Faceebook Feed API. Fix: Profile Picture issue for Instagram Widget. Version: 2.2.2 (29 April, 2021) New: Blog Posts Widget Floating Category. New: Blog Posts Widget Various Missing Controls. New: Dribbble Feed User Info & Header. New: Dribbble Feed Various Missing Controls. New: Border control to pinterest feed widget. New: Follow button icon control to twitter feed widget. New: Padding control to twitter feed widget. New: Header background control to twitter feed widget. New: Share button to twitter feed widget. Tweak: SVG icon to elementskit icon to twitter feed widget. Tweak: Layout five to behance feed widget. Tweak: Replaced deprecated Elementor PHP Methods for Widgets. Fix: Category List Widget separator position issue. Fix: Google Map Widget static type image issue. Fix: Facebook Page Review content alignment issue. Fix: Twitter feed read more button. Fix: Header Alignment Control for Table Widget. Fix: Product Count styles for Woo Category List Widget. Fix: Responsive support for Dribbble Feed Widget. Version: 2.2.1 (14-04-2021) Fix: Compatibility issues with Elementor 3.2.0. Version: 2.2.0 (02-03-2021) Improve: Minor bug fix and code improvements. Improve: Minor escaping and validation improvements. Version: 2.1.7 (25-02-2021) New: Image Size control for Gallery Widget. New: Option to Show/Hide Facebook Messenger Dialog Box. New: Image Comparison support for Advanced Tab Widget. Fix: Responsive glitch in Timeline Widget. Version: 2.1.6 (07-02-2021) New: Introducing Image Swap Widget - show a different image as the user hovers. Version: 2.1.5 (27-01-2021) Fix: Sticky Module conflict with latest Elementor. Fix: Slick Library update support for Latest Elementor update. Fix: Woo Category List widget featured style minor CSS grid issue. Version: 2.1.4 (25-01-2021) Tweak: Support W3C validation when using Facebook Messenger. Fix: Blog Posts Widget default image size changed to provide clear images. Version: 2.1.3 (18-01-2021) Fix: Instagram api expire time extended. Fix: Editor live changes support for Advanced Tooltip. Version: 2.1.2 (12-01-2021) Fix: Advanced Tooltip js conflict in the Elementor editor. Version: 2.1.1 (10-01-2021) New: Introducing Advanced Tooltip - add tooltip to any Widget. Fix: Improved Advanced Toggle Widget toggler btn. Fix: Missing string translations for Table Widget. Fix: List style reset for Gallery Filter. Version: 2.1.0 (24-12-2020) New: Advanced Tab Widget now has option to enable URL hash routing capability. New: Option to set popup alignment for Woo Mini Cart Widget. Fix: Popup Modal Widget content editor showing same content for multiple widget in the same page. Fix: Minor CSS broken issues fixed on Hotspot Widget. Fix: Some css broken issues fixed on hotspot Fix: added featured category link field 'Woo Category List' widget Fix: Buttons white-space are reset to default. Fix: Woo Product Carousel and List Widget compatibility with TwentyTwentyOne Theme. Fix: CSS ul and ol list style wasn't visible inside widgets. Version: 2.0.6 (06-12-2020) Fix: JS conflict issues fixed with 'Rank Math' plugin. Improve: CSS and JS improved. Version: 2.0.5 (30-11-2020) New: Added 'Popup Modal' widget. New: Added new instagram widget with Instagram official API. New: Added control for keeping one dot always active. New: Added Iframe and shortcode support on content. Fix: Clicking pointer issues fixed. Fix: "Non property" notice in instagram widget. Fix: Fixed the line issues when increasing the pointer size. Fix: Minor responsive issues fixed. Version: 2.0.4 (22-11-2020) Fix: Timeline's elements was showing after some delay. Version: 2.0.3 (16-11-2020) New: Advanced controls for Conditional Widget. New: Cross domain copy-paste module (the long waited feature). New: Added default color scheme on Facebook Messenger widget. New: Added Locale on Facebook Messenger widget. Fix: Caret image missing for Advanced Tab. Fix: Ekit button js error when "add section" is clicked. Tweak: Instagram feed widget. Tweak: Improved CSS & JS. Version: 2.0.2 Fix: Facebook feed API. Fix: Some spelling mistakes. Fix: License activation conflicting. Version: 2.0.1 Fix: Instagram's cache issue. Posts were not properly updated. Version: 2.0.0 New: New Unfold widget added. Fix: Google Map API Script is enqueueing even it's not enabled. Fix: Facebook Review Broken issue. Fix: HeaderFooter builder compatiblity. Added: Pagination to Blog Posts. Added: Import & export system for WidgetBuilder module. Added: New features: "dribble-feed, facebook-feed, facebook-review, instagram-feed, twitter-feed, unfold, yelp, zoom".